Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring breaking

So the Easter food coma is subsiding, and the kids' Spring Break is in full swing. We have a busy week ahead of us, between movie marathons, game nights, play dates, sleepovers, bike riding, and maybe a hike or two if the weather holds. It seems to be that any break from school is the time when every parent tries to cram in as much stuff as possible that there otherwise isn't enough time for during the school year.

It can get a little crazy...

But it should still be fun. The kids are enjoying their break so far, and I'm enjoying not doing the crazy School Morning Marathon. The irony is that so far this week hasn't exactly been any slower or more relaxed than a regular school week, but isn't that the way of it?

Most nights so far we've been playing Wii sports, and suffice it to say, it's a little demoralizing when your elementary-aged children whoop you at bowling. Like, badly. Really badly. Sigh...

Monday I took the kids to the library, where I got my littlest guy his very first library card! It has a picture of a sailing bear on it, so apparently that's pretty much the coolest thing in the world when you are almost 3. Mental note.

We roamed the library for about an hour. My youngest quickly picked out three books. Two that had machines on them, and one that had a bear that matched the bear on his library card and was therefore a clear must-have.

My daughter was a little harder to please. She had a few very specific books in mind, but all but one of them were already checked out, which bummer her out. I persuaded her to try some Baby-Sitter's Club books, since I loved them as a kid and so far she's liked the books I've recommended to her (Beverly Cleary is godlike in this house!)

My oldest son had the hardest time out of the three, because... well, because quite frankly, he's read everything. He reads well above his age group, so all the books that are supposed to be at his level are way too young for him, and it seems like all of the books that are more challenging yet still age appropriate he already owns or has at least read. So we wandered awhile until we found one of the books in a series that he started reading at school. The book is probably close to 300 pages, but I bet he'll finish it in a few days. He's a book-eater, that kid. After finding that book, we pretty much struck out in the fiction section, so I brought him into the history section to scope out some books on Ancient Greece or Rome or Egypt or something like that, since he loves all of that. He ended up picking one about "heroic" people throughout history- men and women who changed the world in one way or another, like Dr. King, Helen Keller, Alexander Fleming (the guy who discovered penicillin), people like that. And it goes throughout history, not just modern times. And it's also a gigantic book, but again, he'll probably have it done within a week. That's my boy!

Yesterday we were supposed to have a Harry Potter marathon, but those plans were ruined by some unexpected errands that had to be run and ended up taking all freaking day, so we've pushed back the marathon until tomorrow.

Today, a friend of mine is coming over with her two youngest boys, one of whom is my oldest's best friend, and the kids are going to run amuck on our trampoline and jungle gym while us ladies chit chat. It should be fun! We haven't gotten to really see each other much lately, and the boys are in two different classes with two totally different schedules and they never see each other anymore either, so us two moms decided to carve out some spring break time for all involved.

Of course, this means I need to go get my house all spiffed up. Like, now. 

*Update* So for some reason this wouldn't publish earlier today, and so now it's a little out of date! My friend and I had a lovely visit while our kids all ran around causing chaos, and after they went home The Husband and I went out and tilled up some of the garden beds and got our corn planted. It's supposed to rain for the next few days, so the rest of the planting will have to wait, but the corn was the priority for now, so... success!

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